the first in the shop dog boo product line has officially hit the shelves- boo boo goo paw salve! it's the perfect potion for sore paws or any little skin abrasions. my mom makes it with herb-infused oils, so it's really healing and works really fast. it feels good and smells good, too!
boo boo goo is available at moondance botanicals- of course!- but also at a really awesome pet shop on 11th and cherokee in the golden triangle called 'earthlings planet-friendly pet care'. it's owned by super sweet lindsay, and it's right next to the space where tonja had the original moondance shop! lindsay carries lots of healthy pet food, and has THE most delicious bones and treats in all the land.
in addition to boo boo goo, look for boo boo voodoo dogs (reverse voodoo!), flower remedies, and calming spritzers. *rubbing paws together* bwah ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!
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