(to the tune of- you guessed it- "baby one more time" by britney spears)
"oh, boo boo, baby!
oh, boo boo, baby!
oh, boo boo, baby!
"oh, boo boo, baby,
you're just such a dirty mess,
your fluffy is all matted!
oh, boo boo, baby,
the groomer is happ'nin' next...
you'll feel so great, i promise!
"show me how you want it to be,
tell me, boo boo,
'cuz i want to know now, off we go!
"your dirtiness is killing me,
i must confess, it's all my fault... need to brush!
when i see those dreads i lose my mind!
you'll look so fine,
let's shave you, boo boo, one more time!"
this is what my mom sang to me last monday morning- don't worry, she wasn't dressed in a catholic school girl uniform (at least not this time...). she called the wag shop and deidre was SO accommodating! mom dropped me off on the way to moondance- it's a block and a half away! hellllllooooo!- and i liked the place immediately. she talked to my mom for a while, trying to figure out what i needed, and then she whisked me away before i could get upset that i was being left behind... clever! the wag shop is cage-free, so i got to run around and play with the other dogs while i was waiting my turn. i like that. a lot.
well, deidre had to cut off ALL my fluff, as i had feared. but, she was very gentle. AND she gave me a faux hawk! ha! my auntie pam calls it my faux hump, which is probably more correct. but it's pretty cool, i like it!
honestly, what dog likes getting groomed, right? but when your time comes- and it always does!- the wag shop is a great place to go! deidre does an amazing job, she's super sweet, and it's a fun place to hang out! i give the wag shop two big paws up! thanks, deidre!
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