i know, i know... every pet store lets in dogs! BUT not every pet store remembers your name, gives you lots of love, and has the best treats everrrrrr! we love a pet's paradise, on 9th and corona! the ladies who own it are sooooo awesome! they also have a really cool metaphysical store next door that i like to cruise around once in a while... and you know how my mom loves all of that stuff...! we shop at a pet's paradise because it's local, it's owned by women, the selection is great, and the customer service is amazing! my favorite product is a big ol' bag of natural treats and chews called "hungry dog"; i highly recommend it. you never know what you're going to get, and some of the pieces are huge, but i manage to devour every single one. giant hoof? no problem. unidentified toe? love it. mystery chew? yummmmm!
a pet's paradise is a boo's paradise and i give it two paws up!
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