i might be a dog, but i'm still a girl! sometimes i just like to curl up in front of the tv with a fresh bowl of water and a bully stick and dream about what life would be like with one of these doggy dreamboats...

snoopy! adorable! an oldie-but-goody! snoopy has been making people happy for years, and he sure loves that gang o' kids. plus he's really sweet with cute little woodstock! i'd imagine that snoopy would make a good husband...

eddie from "frasier". what a cutie! so much energy! woof! he's such a feisty little prankster, too, and i love that he steals every scene he's in. he's also a good, loyal companion, which is a great quality in anyone. *sigh*

and (drum roll, please!) my number one crush: brian from family guy. i love him because- like me- he thinks he's human, but he acts like a dog when it's necessary (i.e. around other dogs). and i love smart, funny men. err, dogs. men. dogs. ???
excuse me, i need to go wash my hair...
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